Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sciatica Causes Beyond Sciatica Symptoms

The hidden sciatica causes

Can you imagine how your life will be, if your back pain or sciatica is gone forever?

The human body has at least 641 muscles, and their main task among other things, is to maintain the position and curvature of your spine in a well balanced posture, that also allows movement of the various parts of your body.

Therefore, almost every muscle and muscle group that you have, has a direct effect on your spine, and if for some reason, any one of those muscles gets out balance long enough, it will cause a condition that in turn becomes one of the 4 principal sciatica causes.

What happens is that when your muscles are out of balance they pull your bones and joints out of their normal balanced position and this places your bones and joints under constant stress and uneven pressure.

Take the simple example of you driving your car with unbalanced tires, or when the tires are out of alignment. Your tires will wear down unevenly and much quicker than normal, and eventually you'll have a blowout.

The blowout is the sciatica pain, the unbalanced tires are the condition or symptom that is often diagnosed, and the root cause or sciatica causes is what made the tires become unbalanced. So you have 3 items here, sciatica pain, sciatica symptoms and sciatica causes.

The sciatica causes are hidden behind the sciatica symptoms (condition) and it is the symptom that is behind sciatica pain or back pain. That is the true state of affairs of your body, that very few medical or health-care professionals are even aware about. If they were, they wouldn't be stopping at treating conditions or sciatica symptoms.

The major reason most sciatica treatments fail is because they treat the sciatica symptoms and not the sciatica causes. Unlike most treatment options that may only give temporary relief, the LTBP system provides you with an easy program that addresses both the sciatica pain and the sciatica cause or sciatica causes.

The sciatica causes story of Tom Hartt

"You got me skiing again!

I came down with Sciatica in early January 2006, which my doctor diagnosed.He sent me to a physio and put me on muscle relaxants, neither of one made any improvement.

I searched the Internet for information on sciatica causes, and found your web page and liked your natural approach that addresses both the sciatica pain and the sciatica causes, and did not stop at sciatica symptoms.

When I received your LTBP program, I definitely liked the way you have to identify the problem or sciatica causes and then treat it as well as the pain. One or two of the exercises were the same as the Physio gave me, but most very specific ones were not, and I became confident that your unique and specific ones would all work to rid me of the terrible agony of sciatica.

In the fall of 2005 I had booked a ski trip to Aspen for the last week of March and was reluctant to cancel it, although in January I knew it would be impossible. By the first of February I was feeling some definite improvement because of your program. I put the skis on mid February and was absolutely astounded that I could ski without any sciatica pain.

Yes indeed, I did go to Aspen and enjoyed a great week of skiing. I still have some numbness in my foot that my doctor tells me is nerve damage but should go away in time. I hope will never experience that pain again, but if I do, I will know exactly where to go for help, I have your LTBP program handy".

To know more grab this free bonus report: Sciatica Causes

"The reason this LTBP approach works so well is because it's based on basic human anatomy and mechanics principles, that are almost always overlooked and ignored by the mainstream medical community. In my opinion, there is no other treatment available that makes as much sense and it is the same approach I personally use with my patients." says Dr. Robert Duvall.

It is absolutely important for you to understand that your body alignment and mechanics are affected by your muscles and even the smallest muscle imbalance can, overtime, place tremendous amounts of uneven pressure and wear and tear on your body, especially the spine and it's supporting muscles, and that is the seat of sciatica causes.

Among the sciatica pain causes is - Spinal Stenosis

Sciatica pain can also be caused by pressure on the nerve due to a narrowing of the spinal canal.What is crying out for an answer here is, what caused the narrowing of the spinal canal? There are several possible sciatica causes that lead to spinal stenosis:

  • Aging-With age, the body’s ligaments (tough connective tissues between the bones in the spine) can thicken. Spurs (small growths) may develop on the bones and into the spinal canal. The facet joints (flat surfaces on each vertebra that form the spinal column) also may begin to thicken.
  • Trauma—Accidents and injuries may either dislocate the spine and the spinal canal or cause burst fractures that produce fragments of bone that penetrate the canal.
  • Heredity—If the spinal canal is too small at birth, symptoms of spinal stenosis may show up in a relatively young person. Structural deformities of the involved vertebrae can cause narrowing of the spinal canal.
  • Fluorosis—Fluorosis is an excessive level of fluoride in the body. It may result from chronic inhalation of industrial dusts or gases contaminated with fluorides, prolonged ingestion of water containing large amounts of fluorides, or accidental ingestion of fluoride-containing insecticides. The condition may lead to calcified spinal ligaments or softened bones and to degenerative conditions like spinal stenosis.

The most important thing you can do if you are certain you have spinal stenosis is to ensure that you maintain as close to normal curvature in the spine. The more your spine is pulled out of place the tighter the space gets in the spinal canal.. Muscle balance is the key here, and must be attended to for lasting sciatica relief.

To Know more GO To Scaiatica Pain Relief

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